No, it's not the "5 finger discount."...
It's bartering!
Back in the days before we had dollars and cents, let alone a rapper named
50 cent, before we had Ben Franklin’s portrait on paper, bartering was the most common way of getting what you needed.
back to your elementary school days- what did we do when we had a snack
in our lunch box that we didn’t really want? We bartered. Nowadays this
concept seems pretty foreign, but I promise you, it is innate and it
works for almost anything… except perhaps utility bills. There are
plenty of places you can find to barter. Try farmers markets, craft
shows, local bulletin boards, and websites like Craigslist.org.
1. The key to successful bartering is that both parties must walk away feeling like they won.
2. Offer a reasonable barter…
Keep in mind that they may counter you. So don’t start with your
absolute best offer. Aim a little better and wiggle back and forth until
you both come to an agreement.
3. Don’t be too eager.
If you really need something, that puts the ball in their corner,
meaning you could end up with the bad end of the deal. Don’t show all
your cards right away. Be aloof but firm and leave your emotions at
4. Remember the value of your bartering relationship.
Whether the deal is better on their end or yours, or one of you
concedes slightly for the sake of the bartering relationship, at the end
of the deal you should both walk away satisfied with what you are
5. Finish the paperwork…
Have fun, be honest, be aware, be kind, and of course, if these
items are large ticket items, make sure all the proper receipts are
accounted for and the paperwork is squared away. You don’t want to take
your items home and find out they were stolen goods, or worse- be scammed
out of your item by someone who was playing you all along.
6. Safety First!
If you don’t know the person with which you are trading very well, make sure to take a buddy!
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